Anime Overview
Title: A Condition Called Love
Genre: Romance
Original source: written and illustrated by Megumi Morino.
Studio: East Fish Studio
Aired Date: April 4, 2024 (Currently airing)
Streaming: Crunchyroll
Languages: Hindi ORG
The plot revolves around Hotaru Hinase, a first-year high school student who values a fulfilling life with family and friends over romance. Her perspective shifts when she meets Saki Hananoi, a classmate who has recently gone through a public and messy split. Hotaru, moved by his circumstances, offers him her umbrella. Saki is smitten by Hotaru's kindness and begins to pursue her repeatedly, eventually asking her out. Despite her limited understanding of love, Hotaru is pulled to Saki's genuineness and accepts to become his girlfriend. The anime chronicles their journey as they navigate the challenges of love and their newly formed relationship.