Anime Overview
Title: Jujutsu Kaisen
Genre: Shounen, Dark Fantasy, Action, Supernatural
Studio: MAPPA
Original source: JJK manga by Gege Akutami
Aired Seasons: 2 (as of April 2024)
Streaming: Crunchyrollal
Languages: Hindi ORG
Jujutsu Kaisen tells the story of Yuji Itadori, a seemingly ordinary high school student who discovers a tremendous cursed object - the finger of Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses. Yuji unknowingly becomes Sukuna's host by ingesting the finger, acquiring vast cursed energy and superhuman strength. Yuji, on the other hand, maintains control over his body the majority of the time thanks to a rare incident.
Yuji is whisked away to Tokyo Jujutsu High School, a hidden institution that deals with Curses - demonic spirits generated from human negativity - and begins training as a Jujutsu Sorcerer to learn how to control Sukuna's power and eventually expel the curse completely.
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